We are unbelievably excited to announce that we will be opening a temporary retail space next month! You will now be able to come in person to refill your containers through September 2024. Don't worry—we will continue to do deliveries around the Denver Metro! Our...
zero waste
4 tips for a zero waste laundry room
Wondering where to start with reducing plastic in your home? Many people choose to start with their laundry room. Not only do these tips save the environment, a lot of them can save you money as well! Keep reading to learn more. Try a powder One of the most...
An introduction to cleansing oil
If you’re into skincare, you have probably heard of cleansing oils. But what are they and why should you use one? Keep reading to find out! What is cleansing oil? When people think of cleansers, they are typically referencing water-based cleaners that lather and foam...
Can I compost in the winter?
If you live somewhere with colder temperatures and snow in the wintertime, you might be wondering what to do with your backyard compost pile now that it’s November. Keep reading for tips to winterize your compost pile! Make it large The larger your compost pile is,...
How to be more eco-friendly this Halloween
It’s spooky season and something even scarier than ghosts and ghouls is how much waste is generated by Americans during the month of October. Keep reading for ideas on how to make your Halloween more sustainable this year. Don’t waste your pumpkins More than 2 billion...
What to do with leaves in the fall
Each fall, many Americans rake up their leaves (a seemingly never-ending chore), bag them up, and leave them at the curb to be sent to the landfill. This ignores that leaves are an important part of the ecosystem and a great resource to utilize in your yard! They can...
Vanilla Cinnamon Simple Syrup with Coconut Sugar
It's officially the first day of autumn, which means it's time for all things cozy! Warm drinks are back in and we've got an easy and delicious simple syrup recipe to add to your coffee or hot cocoa. The coconut sugar in this recipe adds a rich flavor that's similar...
3 ways to go plastic free—for free!
If you’re into environmental issues, your algorithm has probably shown you all kinds of aesthetic pantries, kitchens, and bathrooms full of beautiful bamboo and glass products. While making products out of more sustainable materials helps improve our planet, they can...
How to make a flax egg
Get a craving to mix up a batch of homemade cookies, but find yourself without eggs? No problem! Flaxmeal can be mixed with water to replace eggs in a variety of recipes. How to Use Flax Eggs When the flaxmeal and water mix, they create a gel-like texture that acts as...
4 tips for building zero waste habits
Deciding where to start with your zero waste journey is the first step—the second step is actually remembering your new habits! We have been there and understand how difficult it can be to break out of old habits and consistently practice your new sustainable goals....