
Organic Brown Flaxseed Meal


Product Description

Easier to digest than whole flaxseeds, flaxseed meal can increase the body’s absorption of omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. Use flaxseed meal to create an egg replacement/binder in baked goods or as a nutritious addition to smoothies, granola bars, and other recipes!

Price: $0.37/oz by weight

How To Shop

You can order this product in 8oz, 16oz, or 32oz quantities. For reference, the photo above pictures 8oz of this product in a standard-sized mason jar (plus about 1/4 cup more that didn’t fit in the jar).

If you would like 24oz, for example, you can choose the 8oz option and change the quantity to 3.

We can fit up to 32oz of product in one bag, so if you order more than that it will be packaged into 2 or more bags.

If you would like to order more than 48oz of one food product at a time, please fill out our contact form and we will be happy to help you!


This product will be delivered in a paper bag that you can recycle or compost. Because flaxseed meal is high in fat, oil showing on the paper bag is normal and it will be double bagged.

Storage and Shelf Life

This product is not meant to be stored in the paper bag you receive it in. Flaxseed meal should be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for the longest shelf life.

Nutrition Information

Coming soon!

Testing new product page layout.